
Getting to know Christine

Self Help CopywriterChristine may have a bachelor’s in materials science and engineering and a master’s in environmental studies … but this didn’t prevent her from getting a “memo from the Head Office” early 2001, urging her to begin her mission to explain God’s Love and how things really work on this planet. She was “commissioned” for this project, and must now try to remember …

Of course, she didn’t remember signing up for this mission—who would? Yet something about it felt right. Eventually … about two and a half years later, she committed to it.

Early 2008, she published What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening. The book chronicles her crisis, struggle and eventual breakthrough, while helping readers strengthen the relationship with their higher self. (The Kindle version, published later, is titled, Reconnected: A spiritual awakening memoir.)

Summer 2009, she got another such “memo,” this time relayed by her friend, Jahde. “You know you have to write your second book, don’t you?” Jahde said as she picked Christine up for a weekend getaway in the Santa Cruz mountains.

“I’m not writing anymore &$%#-ing books,” Christine snapped. But the next morning she woke up in Jahde’s guest bedroom with a plan for the second book … feeling she could do it in about three months.

Three and a half months later, the second book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: coming out of the darkness and into the light, was done. The “how-to” book lays out the reconnecting process, step-by-step. The result for readers? A much more satisfying, productive life. A life filled with flow, magic and meaning. Well, here’s a story that shows what she means.

So, Christine was hiking the foothills near her home when all of a sudden, she got an intuitive hunch to call an acquaintance. Call Byrd to confirm you can help, she “heard.”

From experience, she knew the importance of following through with one’s intuition ASAP. But there was one problem. She didn’t have Byrd’s number in her contacts.

Searching her memory, she remembered calling him a few weeks before. She had been interviewed on his radio show at Stanford University. They had talked once or twice. So she searched through the call history and called the first “650” area code number she came across.

An unfamiliar voice said, “This is KZSU and you’re the winner. Can you hold?”

“Yes, I’ll hold.” (By accident, she called the station, not his personal number.)

Turns out, she won tickets to the Monterey Jazz Festival! But more importantly, she got the message the Universe was trying to tell her, “You’ve got this. You really have this.”

Christine knows God / the Universe speaks in mysterious ways. She knows that sometimes, the “windows of opportunity” are short. And you just have to jump on them …

“Memos” for others also came through Christine. For example, her friend F. was planning a camping trip the end of one summer and asked Christine where to go. He’d already been to Alaska and the East Coast.

She suggested he visit Banff, near Alberta, Canada. She said this because the week before, she received two emails about Banff. One came from someone on her list, who wanted to know about the electromagnetic energies around Lake Louise and Banff. Would visiting these natural areas help one achieve the most personal growth, he asked.

This was odd. Normally, she didn’t receive any emails about Banff.

She knew Banff was the perfect choice for F. Besides, F. was as an electrical engineer who used to work with magnetic tapes. He could investigate those electromagnetic energies. (She wanted to send F. on a mission to look into those “energy matters” as she couldn’t do it herself. At least not that year.)

She shared the Banff idea with F., but he was less than thrilled. He leaned towards the Oregon and Washington coasts.

A few days before his trip, F. and Christine met for a hike and bumped into F.’s neighbor, a trail regular. Christine complimented her on her t-shirt, which had Banff written across it in big letters. “Did you see that?” Christine said as F.’s neighbor walked away. “The universe is telling you to go to Banff!”

But F.’s mind was set. Despite numerous conversations about Interconnectedness, intuition and signs from the universe, he still liked to think he was doing his own thing. He left for Oregon the Wednesday before Labor Day.

On Labor Day Christine received a call from F., telling her he was in Banff! It was raining the entire time on the coast so he just kept driving … until he got to Banff, where it was bright and sunny and everything felt just right. “So, what is it you want me to do?” he asked.

Christine knows her intuition helps her in all sorts of ways, with all sorts of projects … her own, as well as her clients’. If you work with her, she’s sure your connection will be real. Plus, together you’ll infuse your copy with flow, meaning and magic, too.

Ready to reach out to Christine now? Contact her here, email her directly at info@HolisticWorldCopy.com, or call her at (408) 688-6629. She’d be happy to discuss with you your copywriting needs.